Tag: Veneer Door

3 posts

Why You Need Sound-Proof Doors for Your Home

Why You Need Sound-Proof Doors for Your Home

There is nothing more embarrassing than your private conversations leak out because you have a hollow door. After all no one would want anyone else to know about their private talks or overhear their conversations. Hence, pay good attention to the quality of your doors. Whether your door is sound-proof or not matters a lot […]

3min read
May 12, 2021
Install Solid Wooden Door & Uprage The Security Of Your Home

8 Main Door Designs for Homes to Inspire You

Homes in India display a unique blend of contemporary looks with Indian ethos. That’s why you’ll find Main Door with sacred symbols and traditional art. In this blog, we share creative possibilities with your front doors. You can use these to carry as inspirations for your own door when you decide to book one! 1. […]

2min read
Oct 13, 2021
Sterling long handle

In India, what role do doors play on certain occasions? – Durian

Doors are much more than mere entrances to your homes. They are a gateway into your life. They open up letting people into your world. They are of prime importance in our lives. Our doors are our guards, our shields that protect us from the world outside.   There are so many interesting occasions where […]

2min read
Jul 2, 2020